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Tuesday, February 17, 2015

Fifty Shades of Grey aka Fifty Shades of Confusion lol

I wasn't gonna be one of those people to defend this silly movie but I'm seeing so many articles all over the internet from blogs and other sites and I find these people so clueless. I'm over here like... "wow who ever wrote these 1. didn't read any of the books, 2. takes life way too seriously". But then again that's how I feel with rap music these days, and what it does to the new generation. lol I THINK PEOPLE THAT DIDN'T READ THE BOOKS SHOULDN'T WATCH THE MOVIE. YOU ARE GOING TO FREAK! I mean it. Lol You will also think that it's the worst ending ever. If your reason for seeing this movie is thinking that you're a freak and this is your kind of movie, you're wrong. Unless you've read all the books, you won't realize that the story is nowhere even close to being about BDSM at all. On the second and third books, no "harmful toys" we're even used and if anything, the girl was the one in control. I personally like Christian Greys story specially how it's thoroughly explained in the second book. He was a creep, a stalker, a control freak. He was heartless and violent. At the same time, he was also someone who was saved from starvation, abuse and from his crackhead mom when he was a little kid. Again abused by his adopted moms friend when he was a teenager. He's all kinds of fucked up. His character in the first book/movie was so unrealistic but in the second and third books, his character was most of us. Abused, traumatized, hurt, lonely, hungry, lost. He turned his life around and became really successful. He secretly wanted to end world hunger. At the same time, he's still 50 shades of fucked up that he couldn't get away from. I love that the story tells us that when you experience "true love" people can finally open their eyes and see things different and change for the better. Love let him experience things that he never knew existed. Love made him weak but happy at the same time. Love let him experience that it was more satisfying when you lose a little bit of control, when both people are happy rather than just one person completely dominating the other.

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